Our Waters
Two amazing sites for you to fish
We Currently have two beautiful tranquil sites for your pleasure, The Fisheries and Grafham Grange. Both contain a multitude of varying fish for you enjoy.
The Fisheries
This venue is accessed via a locked gated entrance situated at the end of The Drive, Cranleigh.
We own two mature ponds of approximately ½ acre each which are bordered by the
back gardens of neighbouring properties.
The 1st pond is a lovely mature pond with lily pads and marginal irises and has 15 swims to fish from, with mainly Tench, Crucian Carp, Perch and a good head of Roach and Rudd for the avid “silver fisherman”. It is suitable for both beginners and more experienced fisherman to enjoy sport all year round.
The 2nd pond, also with lily pads and irises, has approximately 10 swims to fish from with Grass Carp and a plentiful stock of Common and Mirror Carp which provide great sport for the Carp enthusiast. It also has Tench, Crucian Carp, Perch, Roach and Rudd.
Both ponds are actively managed for the benefit of both anglers and wildlife, with numerous works (e.g. owl / bat boxes, re-planting etc) being carried out during the closed season to enhance the venue.

Grafham Grange
This is our newest water situated in the grounds of the Grafham Grange School in
Grafham along the A281 between Alfold and Bramley.
There are two mature lakes of 2½ acres and 0.7 of an acre in size.
The bigger of the two lakes has three small islands to fish to and the deeper parts
are 5ft (1.5 m) deep. It has Carp in excess of 20lb. Bream go to an average from 4lb
to 6lb and there are Tench, Roach and Rudd.
The smaller of the lakes hold a few Carp together with Perch, Roach and Rudd.
The lakes are new to us but they have been fished and have had good catches of fish coming out.
As this venue is in the grounds of a school for children with special needs, fishing access is controlled and restricted by the school. Please see the rules / updates on the website for details of access dates / times.