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The Cranleigh Angling Society Rules

Rules of the Society (2022)


  1. That the society be called "The Cranleigh Angling Society".

  2. Full membership is open to all persons over the age of 16 years.

  3. That the Committee be elected annually to transact all business in connection with the society.

  4. On still waters fishing will be 12 months of the year except on The Fisheries where the closed season will be 1st April to the 31st May inclusive. 

  5. Members must show their membership book to owners, Keepers, Tenant's, or members if asked. Members must carry their membership book at all times, and only members and authorized guests are allowed on private property. Members  and their guests fish on the society's waters at their own risk although they are protected by a 3rd party liability insurance.

  6. All members are responsible for any litter in their swim - MEMBERS FAILING TO COMPLY WILL BE EXPELLED FROM THE SOCIETY.

  7. Courtesy and good behaviour MUST BE SHOWN to owners of our neighbouring properties at all times.                                                                                                                                                                      (i) No bait tins allowed on the bank, please prepare at home.

  8. Firearms, Shotguns, Air guns, portable music players*, Dogs and the lighting of fires are strictly prohibited.
    * except where earphones are used.


  9.  No carp, Bream or Pike to be retained in keepnets or carp sacks except on competition days or when a specimen fish is being retained for official weighing. Keepnets must conform to Environment  Agency standards.

    (ii) In the interests of fish conservation, when pleasure fishing, all keepnets must be emptied at 12pm and 4.00pm.


  10. A suitable sized landing net must be assembled and to hand while fishing. For suitable size, please refer to Fisheries rule 17(v). The use of an un-hooking mat is mandatory when fishing for carp; on all waters. Appropriate tackle must be used, relevant to the type and place you are fishing.

  11. Only one single hook to be used on any rod in use. ALL HOOKS MUST BE BARBLESS.

  12. All trophies remain the property of the society and must be returned to the society by 1st March. Specimen trophies will be awarded only for fish caught on the society's own waters and weighed in on verified scales and have been caught before 1st March. If trophies are not returned in good time, you may forfeit of winning any further trophies in the future.

  13. All proposals that are to be put to the A.G.M. must be given to the secretary in writing by the 1st February. Amendments to original proposals may be made at an A.G.M.

  14. ​Access to fishing, all waters dawn until dusk until dusk, except night permit holders.                                 (i) When feeder fishing or ledgering free rigs to be used.  NO FIXED RIGS.                                              

  15. Only one rod or pole to be used on all waters. Although from 1st October, 2 rods may be used from the same swim. The exception being The Fisheries carp pond where two rods may be used at all times from the same swim.                                                                                                                                                       

    (i)  Junior membership is available to persons under 16 on the 1st June of that year but be over 12 years of age.
    (ii)  Juniors may fish unaccompanied at the Fishery, 6.30am (dawn if accompanied by a senior member) till dusk.
    (iii)  On all waters except The Fisheries; Juniors must be accompanied by an adult member without exception.
    (iv)  Juniors of 12 or over may fish unaccompanied at The Fisheries, but they must tell a parent or guardian exactly where they will be and for what length of time.
    (v)  Up to only two juniors can be under the supervision of one adult and juniors cannot take an adult as a guest. Under 12s must be accompanied by an adult whose permit contains the name of that under 12; under 12s must have their names in that adult's permit.
    (vi)   Juniors may only fish The Fisheries Carp pond alone, after showing they are capable of handling large carp. Contact Derek Buxton for details.



  17. The Fisheries

    (i)  For guest permits please refer to "Guest permit regulations"

    (ii)  Night Fishing -  This facility is open to seniors only on any Friday or Saturday night between the hours of 8pm & 8am, no guests. Tickets in advance from the Bailiff, no night fishing from 12 midnight on competition and water closed days.

    (iii) Bicycles may be brought inside the gate but not against the fences. No motorcycles to be brought into the property.

    (iv) Entrance to be generally via the gate at the end of THE DRIVE. The gate will be fitted with a combination padlock. Combination for the year will be given with your membership.
    USE OF LOCK -  Enter correct combination number, reading from left to right, Once entered squeeze shackle back to the base and release, lock will fall open. To re-lock jumble numbers and snap shut. Combination for the current year will be shown in the back of your membership book.

    (v)  No lines under 8lb (3.6kg) breaking strain to be used on the 2nd pond as this is a "Specimen Water" only, you must be in possession of a suitable unhooking mat and a specimen sized landing net with a minimum arm length or diameter of 24 inches or 20" Dia must be assembled and to hand. When roaming between swims, if it is the intention to weigh fish caught, anglers should carry scales and a suitable weigh sling with them around the pond.


  18. Springbok Lakes Alfold

    (i)  Would members respect Springbok's parking rule, once gear has been unloaded, remove vehicle to overflow car park behind black shed. Signs will indicate location.                                                                 Map indicating parking in membership permit, no parking in front of main house.                                   Members must abide by Springbok own rules, as indicated on notice boards
    (ii)  No night Fishing
    (iii)  Do not use trees and bushes as toilets, please use facilities provided and these are indicated on map.
    (iv)  Unhooking mats must always be used and visible.
    (v)  NO floating baits.
    (vi)  Please respect the privacy of residents, please refer to general rule 7.
    (vii)  Fishing is allowed 12 months of the year.
    (viii) Springbok has resident Bailiffs to check your membership & issue day tickets for any guest/s you            bring or any member of the public fishing at the day ticket price.
    (ix)  NO KEEPNETS; except at organized matches.
    (x) All hooks to be BARBLESS, no hooks larger than size 10.                                                                (xi)  No noisy bite alarms or radios                                                                                                    
                    (xii) No fires or BBQs                                                                                                                                           In any emergency or any concerns call main office on: 01403 752555                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  19. Grafham Grange School – Rules for Fishing                                                                                    (i) Location: on A281 between Nanhurst & Bramley, when you enter the drive parking is inside the gate on the left by the Oak tree and roped area. Enter a combination that will be given to you when you book in for the first time into the combination lock on the gate and press button at the bottom of the lock to unlock it. Please lock after entering and exiting. To lock gate snap the clasp shut & jumble numbers.                                                                                                                                                       (ii) Fishing or admittance is not allowed until after 5 p.m. At weekend’s dawn to dusk. Fishing is permitted on both the main Lake & the smaller lake further up, however entry must be through the gate at the bottom of the main lake from the field; the school and its grounds are strictly out of bounds.  See map at the back of permit                                                                                                                            (iii) Dates will be given yearly, when members can fish dawn to dusk during school holidays.                        These dates will be on the website under Grafham Grange School holiday's - the weekdays you can fish on                                                                                                                                                          (iv) Officials from Grafham Grange School (GGS) have the right to challenge members and ask them          to leave the site immediately if requested.                                                                                                    (v) No boats of any description including bait boats or drones to be used at any time.                       (vi) Ensure that you have your membership permit with you at all times.                                                   (vii) Do not leave litter of any kind or cause damage to any school property; This is a strict stipulation of our agreement with GGS.                                                                                                                              (viii) Before fishing at Grafham Grange school lakes you must first book in with either:                          Derek: 07762 562698 or                                                                                                                              Kevin: 07841 667763                                                                                                                                            If no answer please try alternative number . If not booked in you are not allowed to fish. There is a limit of 15 Anglers at any one time!                                                                                                               (ix) All landing nets to have a minimum arm length or diameter of 24 inches or a 20" Dia carp landing net and must be assembled and to hand, also please use unhooking mats when catching  fish. If it is your intention to fish for Carp on these waters then a minimum 36 inches arm length landing net is to be used.                                                                                                                                                      (x) All other Society rules apply.                                                                                                                                                

  20. Members must enter for matches at least 24 hrs before the match, by contacting the Match secretary . Latecomers may be entered at the discretion of the match secretary. New members are always welcome.

  21. Keepnet rules:                                                                                                                                                         (i) Upon arriving at your fishing position / peg keepnets should be strung out on the bank and not                placed into water until 10 minutes before the start.                                                                                     (ii) Nets must be limited to 60lb of fish. If a net is over this limit, it will only count as 60lb.                         (iii) When fishing matches on all waters, Carp must be kept in a different net to all other species.

  22. A whistle to start and finish the match will be given by the Match secretary. No disturbing the water before the whistle except to wet groundbait or plumb the depth.

  23. One rod or pole to be used at any one-time, other rods or poles may be assembled but not baited. One hook per rod or pole to be used & barbless hooks only.

  24. An optional pools is to be paid before draw is made, or before peg is given to late arrival, failure to do so will exclude from pools. When prize money is paid out:  If 9 or more competitors have entered into the pools then 1st,2nd & 3rd may be paid out, between 5 & 8, 1st & 2nd and 4 or less competitors, 1st only.

  25. If venue is unfishable, Match secretary shall decide an alternative venue or date.

  26. Fishing is permitted up to halfway between you and the next angler. Curtesy and good manners should be shown to fellow competitors at all times.

  27. Any competitors playing a fish at the finishing whistle is allowed 15 minutes to land the fish.

  28. Matches to be fished ALL-IN  except for Pike.

  29. Any match fished on another club's waters shall be governed by the host club's rules and visiting clubs should abide by ours.

  30. Points for matches to be awarded thus:
    ~ 1st -  8 points
    ~ 2nd - 7 points
    ~ 3rd - 6 points
    ~ 4th - 5 points
    ~ 5th - 4 points
    ~ 6th - 3 points
    ~ 2 points for a weigh-in
    ~ 1 point for blanks at the weigh-in

    NOTE - Points for competitions will be awarded up to 1st March. 

  31. Any team match which is over-subscribed shall not count for points.

  32. Wading in NOT permitted in competitions. 



The W.A.Pullum Memorial Trophy is awarded at the end of the season for the most points awarded during matches, see rule 30 on previous page. Please note only matches run on a Sunday will count for points.


We award specimen trophies for the following species:

  • CARP - The John Surman Cup

  • TENCH - The Peter Sprake Memorial Trophy

  • BREAM - The Argentine Bream Cup

  • PERCH - Specimen Perch Cup - B.Lade

  • Refer to Rule 12 for guidelines.

Finally we award a Shield for the heaviest Weight during a competition.



Exchange tickets are available from :                                                                                                                           Derek Buxton : 07762 562698.                                                                                                                                     On collection of exchange tickets, you are to hand over your CAS membership & this will be returned to you on return of the exchange ticket.

  • Petersfield & District Angling club

  • Shamley green Angling Society

  • Guildford Angling Society

  • Horsham & District Angling Association

  • Haslemere Angling Society

Should other exchange tickets become available the bailiff will hold these and the membership will be informed via the Cranleigh web-site.




All claims must be made to the Treasurer , David Hall.




Guest permits available for All waters expect Springbok where a day ticket can be purchased from the resident Bailiff.
     Cost of guest permits - except Springbok.

  • Senior Guests £6.00 each ( max. 2 guests per member)

  • Junior Guests £ 3.00 each( Max. 2 Juniors per adult member, 1 Junior Guest per Junior Member)                                                                                                                                                                                             Guest permits will only be issued on production of a current membership & minimum 24 hrs notice before you want to fish. Guest permits issued by:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Derek Buxton : 07762 562698 or                                                                                                                         Doug Burtenshaw : 07786 896172.                                                                                                                     

 NIGHT FISHING PERMIT FOR THE FISHERY                                                                                               

This is a special facility available to limited numbers of seniors only and is in addition to the normal night fishing facility.

Permit Holders please note:

  • (i) No more than four anglers per night, with the exception of Friday and Saturday nights.

  • (ii) Friday and Saturday nights will still be available to all other members at a cost of £5.00. These will be given priority with more anglers being allowed to fish.

  • (iii) All nights must be booked in advance but only up to a maximum of one week in advance. This to be done with the Bailiff so that a check can be kept on numbers fishing.


Any person found  breaking these rules will be liable to dismissal from the club.





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